Sunday, 31 March 2019

Visual Arts Workshop

On Wednesday 20th March, artist Georgie Anderson visited year 2 to host a portrait workshop with the students. The year 2 children created personal portraits using a variety dot pens, water colours and oil pastels.  They all thoroughly enjoyed this experience and it was great to have Georgie with us to share her knowledge.

Saturday, 16 March 2019

We are learning to collect, organise and represent data to make simple inferences.

The children engaged in a real life task where they had to sort the coloured blocks and create a tally to represent the number of different coloured blocks.  They were learning to collect and organise data.

WALT describe changes to living things
WALT explore how plants and animals are grown for food, clothing and shelter

On Friday, the year 2 students went out to the garden beds near our room to plant some seeds.  We are experimenting to determine what plants need to grow and our aim is to start growing a variety of fruits and vegetables in our garden.

During morning activities this week, the children continued to practise their skills in technology and mathematics.

Can you build a bridge using cups and paddle pop sticks?