Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Year 2 Lego Excursion

Year 2 had a really enjoyable day today at the LEGO Centre. They loved making and creating new inventions and exploring ideas in lego.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Persuasive Writing in English

WALT use my experiences and information learnt to create texts.
WALT accurately spell words with regular spelling patterns.

Students wrote a persuasive text about why Anzac Ted should have received a vote at the toy show. Here is a sample of their learning.

Technology in Mathematics

Technology: We are learning to use a sequence of steps and decisions to solve problems.
Mathematics: We are learning to perform simple addition calculations using a range of strategies.

Students collaboratively programmed a Bee-Bot to arrive at a correct answer for an addition equation. 


In our Mathematics and Arts learning we investigated how artists use shape in their artworks. Students drew 2D shapes, experimented with different materials and shapes and represented shape in their art.

Below is a sample of work from Mathematics and Visual Arts learning.

Visual Arts:
WALT use and experiment with different materials to make artworks
WALT explore ideas and observations to create visual artworks

WALT draw two-dimensional shapes.
WALT explain the effects of one-step transformations.



Investigating shapes in our world - around the school and classroom.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

In maths this term, Year 2 has been learning to draw and describe 2D shapes and they have learnt to transform them using a flip, slide or turn.

They spent some time exploring the school environment to find a variety of 2D shapes, which they photographed, edited and sorted to make a display.  They were able to design pictures using 2D shapes on the laptops and then they used their knowledge about shapes and how they could be transformed to create an artwork.  The children did a great job expressing their creativity.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

 Year 2 Excursion to Gold Coast Botanic Gardens

The Gold Coast Botanic Gardens are a special place to explore. What makes the Botanic Gardens different from a park? What distinct features can you discover as you explore the gardens? Students investigated the Regional Botanic Gardens and found out why they are so special.





Year 2 Excursion to Gold Coast Botanic Gardens

We are entomologists! Students engaged in hands-on learning experiences as they observed the different species, habitats, life cycles and roles of the largest group of animals in the world – insects.